Brette Grice
International Speaker & Trainer
Theodore Roosevelt was correct when he said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” It may sound “warm and fuzzy”, however, it means that we, as educators we need to connect on a “person to person” level before the academics sink in. Sometimes the subject matter in our classrooms can’t compete with the good or difficult “drama” in their lives. The main ingredient missing in a lot of our classrooms today is a connection with kids. The research is clear, proving when students know you value them as a human being, not just another student; they will work harder for you and challenge you less. Teachers don’t need any more theory or new, trendy programs with catchy names. We believe in providing teachers with research based, proven, & practical strategies and applications that teachers can implement immediately – without throwing anything out that is currently working in their classroom.
Educators have the toughest job in America as they are asked every day to wear many different hats – mom, dad, nurse, counselor, teacher, advisor, judge, jury, lawyer – just to name a few. Brette understands that students come into our classrooms and schools with different backgrounds, cultures, languages and that their learning abilities, assets and experiences are just as wide ranging. Sometimes the only thing students have in common is their age, so the “one size fits all” approach does not work anymore.
One of the biggest unchallenged assumption by many people today about education is that kids are coming to school willing and ready to learn. As educators, we know this is not the case. We have a generation of kids coming to our schools basically un-socialized or that many students are learning behavior from television shows, video games, social media and a myriad of other influences. We can’t always be there for out of classroom choices and behaviors, but we can certainly have control of our own classroom… and it’s time to get our time back!
Brette is dedicated to helping educators be successful through motivation, inspiration, humor and a common-sense approach to managing the stresses of a classroom. Most importantly, she leaves educators with several actionable, proven and practical strategies. After all, we are educators, and we are superhumans!